English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to muse to amass to amaze ?

娱乐 to entertain / to amuse / entertainment / recreation / amusement / hobby / fun / joy
游玩 yóu wán to amuse oneself / to have fun / to go sightseeing / to take a stroll
玩耍 wán shuǎ to play (as children do) / to amuse oneself
hǒng to deceive / to coax / to amuse (a child)
dòu to tease (playfully); to entice / (coll.) to joke / (coll.) funny; amusing / to stay; to sojourn / brief pause at the end of a phrase (variant of 讀|读[dou4])
to amuse
游乐 yóu to amuse oneself / recreation
戏说 shuō dramatic form consisting of historical narration / history as jocular narrative / to stretch history for a joking story / amusing story with strained interpretations of history / to make an unreasonable comparison in jest
开胃 kāi wèi to whet the appetite / appetizing / to amuse oneself at sb's expense / to tease
戏耍 shuǎ to amuse oneself / to play with / to tease
逗乐 dòu to amuse oneself / to clown around / to provoke laughter
自娱 to amuse oneself
耍宝 shuǎ bǎo to show off / to put on a show to amuse others
逗趣 dòu to amuse / to make sb laugh / to tease
kuáng to deceive; to dupe / falsehood; lie / (dialect) to amuse
逗笑 dòu xiào to amuse / to cause to smile / amusing
欢娱 huān to amuse / to divert / happy / joyful / pleasure / amusement
嬉游 yóu to amuse oneself / to have fun
取乐 to find amusement / to amuse oneself
笑点低 xiào diǎn amused by even the weakest joke / ready to laugh at the smallest thing
自嗨 hāi (slang) to have fun by oneself / to amuse oneself
般乐 pán to play / to amuse oneself
般游 pán yóu to amuse oneself
逗趣儿 dòu qùr to amuse / to make sb laugh / to tease

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