English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: tw do two too the ti tuo tao ?

duō many; much / too many; in excess / (after a numeral) ... odd / how (to what extent) (Taiwan pr. [duo2]) / (bound form) multi-; poly-
zuò to make; to produce / to write; to compose / to do; to engage in; to hold (a party etc) / (of a person) to be (an intermediary, a good student etc); to become (husband and wife, friends etc) / (of a thing) to serve as; to be used for / to assume (an air or manner)
guò to cross / to go over / to pass (time) / to celebrate (a holiday) / to live / to get along / excessively / too-
de of; ~'s (possessive particle) / (used after an attribute) / (used to form a nominal expression) / (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis) / also pr. [di4] or [di5] in poetry and songs
lái to come / (used as a substitute for a more specific verb) / hither (directional complement for motion toward the speaker, as in 回來|回来[hui2lai5]) / ever since (as in 自古以來|自古以来[zi4gu3 yi3lai2]) / for the past (amount of time) / (prefix) the coming ...; the next ... (as in 來世|来世[lai2shi4]) / (between two verbs) in order to / (after a round number) approximately / (used after 得[de2] to indicate possibility, as in 談得來|谈得来[tan2de5lai2], or after 不[bu4] to indicate impossibility, as in 吃不來|吃不来[chi1bu5lai2])
xià down / downwards / below / lower / later / next (week etc) / second (of two parts) / to decline / to go down / to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc) / measure word to show the frequency of an action
yǒu to have; there is / (bound form) having; with; -ful; -ed; -al (as in 有意[you3yi4] intentional)
出来 chū lái to come out / to appear / to arise
zài to exist; to be alive / (of sb or sth) to be (located) at / (used before a verb to indicate an action in progress)
shǒu hand / (formal) to hold / person engaged in certain types of work / person skilled in certain types of work / personal(ly) / convenient / classifier for skill / CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]
néng can / to be able to / might possibly / ability / (physics) energy
dào to reach; to arrive / to leave for; to go to / to (a place); until (a time); up to (a point) / (verb complement indicating arriving at a place or reaching a point) / considerate; thoughtful; thorough
动作 dòng zuò movement; motion; action (CL:個|个[ge4]) / to act; to move
shàng (bound form) up; upper; above; previous / first (of multiple parts) / to climb; to get onto; to go up / to attend (class or university) / (directional complement) up / (noun suffix) on; above
duì right; correct / towards; at; for / concerning; regarding / to treat (sb a certain way) / to face / (bound form) opposite; facing; matching / to match together; to adjust / to fit; to suit / to answer; to reply / to add; to pour in (a fluid) / to check; to compare / classifier: couple; pair
yòng to use; to make use of; to employ / (coverb) with; using / to need; to have to (usu. used in the negative or in questions) / usefulness; utility / (bound form) expense; outlay / (courteous) to eat; to drink / (literary) hence; therefore
hào ordinal number / day of a month / mark / sign / business establishment / size / ship suffix / horn (wind instrument) / bugle call / assumed name / to take a pulse / classifier used to indicate number of people
谢谢 xiè xie to thank / thanks / thank you
yào to want; to need; to ask for / will; shall; about to / need to; should / if (same as 要是[yao4 shi5]) / (bound form) important
工作 gōng zuò to work / (of a machine) to operate / job / work / task / CL:個|个[ge4],份[fen4],項|项[xiang4]
běi north / (classical) to be defeated
hǎo good / appropriate; proper / all right! / (before a verb) easy to / (before a verb) good to / (before an adjective for exclamatory effect) so / (verb complement indicating completion) / (of two people) close; on intimate terms / (after a personal pronoun) hello
you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])
you (Note: In Taiwan, 妳 is used to address females, but in mainland China, it is not commonly used. Instead, 你 is used to address both males and females.)
北京 Běi jīng Beijing municipality, capital of the People's Republic of China (abbr. to 京[Jing1])

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