English to Chinese Dictionary


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xiǎo small / tiny / few / young
silk / thread-like thing; (cuisine) shreds or julienne strips / classifier: a trace (of smoke etc), a tiny bit etc
微型 wēi xíng miniature; micro-; tiny
凝聚 níng to condense / to coagulate / coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets) / aggregation / coherent
细微 wēi tiny / minute / fine / subtle / sensitive (instruments)
渺小 miǎo xiǎo minute / tiny / negligible / insignificant
寥寥无几 liáo liáo just a very few (idiom); tiny number / not many at all / You count them on your fingers.
蝼蚁 lóu lit. mole cricket and ants / fig. tiny individuals with no power
guī jade tablet, square at the base and rounded or pointed at the top, held by the nobility at ceremonies / sundial / (ancient unit of volume) a tiny amount; a smidgen; a speck
细小 xiǎo tiny / fine / minute
蜗居 humble abode / to live (in a tiny, cramped space)
小不点 xiǎo bu diǎn tiny / very small / tiny thing / small child / baby
tiny / insignificant
涓涓 juān juān a trickle / tiny stream / sluggish / to flow sluggishly
蛛丝马迹 zhū lit. spider's thread and horse track / tiny hints (of a secret) / traces / clue
一丝一毫 háo one thread, one hair (idiom); a tiny bit / an iota
微乎其微 wēi wēi a tiny bit / very little / next to nothing (idiom)
miǎo blind in one eye / blind / tiny / humble / to stare
微末 wēi tiny / negligible
丁点 dīng diǎn tiny bit
失之毫厘,谬以千里 shī zhī háo , miù qiān a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake (idiom); a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses
miǎo (of an expanse of water) vast / distant and indistinct / tiny or insignificant
斗室 dǒu shì very small room; tiny, cramped space
涓滴 juān tiny stream / trickle / drops / tiny trickle of funds
弹丸之地 dàn wán zhī (idiom) tiny speck of land; small area

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