English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: tiefu ?

to beat / to strike / to hit / to break / to type / to mix up / to build / to fight / to fetch / to make / to tie up / to issue / to shoot / to calculate / to play (a game) / since / from
to connect / to relate to / to tie up / to bind / to be (literary)
to tie / to fasten / to button up
shuān to tie up
束缚 shù to bind; to tie up; to fetter; to shackle
kuò (bound form) to tie up; to tighten up / (bound form) to include; to comprise / to put (text) in brackets / Taiwan pr. [gua1]
结扎 jié to tie up / to bind up / (medicine) to ligate / (of a male) to have a vasectomy (ligation of the vasa deferentia) / (of a female) to have one's tubes tied (tubal ligation)
to tie up
束发 shù to tie up one's hair / (literary) (of a boy) to be in one's adolescence (in ancient China, boys tied up their hair)
五花大绑 huā bǎng to bind a person's upper body, with arms tied behind the back and rope looped around the neck / to truss up
束之高阁 shù zhī gāo tied up in a bundle on a high shelf / to put sth on the back burner / no longer a high priority
绑缚 bǎng to tie up / to bind / to tether / bondage (BDSM)
téng bind / cord / tie up
占压 zhàn to tie up (funds or resources etc that could otherwise be used)
zhí to connect / to tie up
jiǎo tie up (laces)
zhuàn to tie up
拴住 shuān zhù to tether / to tie up / (fig.) to restrict / to keep a hold on
系上 shang to tie on / to buckle up / to fasten
恩断义绝 ēn duàn jué to split up / to break all ties
拉交情 jiāo qing to try to form friendly ties with sb for one's own benefit / to suck up to sb
绷扒吊拷 bēng diào kǎo to strip, tie up, hang and beat sb, an ancient torture technique

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