English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: the die to ti tide tit tied tw ?

to beat / to strike / to hit / to break / to type / to mix up / to build / to fight / to fetch / to make / to tie up / to issue / to shoot / to calculate / to play (a game) / since / from
(joining two nouns) and; together with; with (Taiwan pr. [han4]) / (math.) sum / to make peace / (sports) to draw; to tie / (bound form) harmonious / (bound form) Japan; Japanese
píng flat / level / equal / to tie (make the same score) / to draw (score) / calm / peaceful / abbr. for 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1]
to connect / to relate to / to tie up / to bind / to be (literary)
tiě iron (metal) / arms / weapons / hard / strong / violent / unshakeable / determined / close / tight (slang)
tiē to stick / to paste / to post (e.g. on a blog) / to keep close to / to fit snugly / to subsidize / allowance (e.g. money for food or housing) / sticker / classifier for sticking plaster: strip
to tie / to fasten / to button up
密切 qiè close / familiar / intimate / closely (related) / to foster close ties / to pay close attention
jié knot / sturdy / bond / to tie / to bind / to check out (of a hotel)
挂钩 guà gōu to couple; to link; to hook together / (fig.) (preceded by 與|与[yu3] + {entity}) to establish contact (with {entity}); (Tw) to collude (with {entity}) / (fig.) to link (marketing efforts with production etc); to peg (welfare payments to inflation etc); to tie (remuneration to performance etc) / hook (on which to hang sth); latch hook; coupling
束缚 shù to bind; to tie up; to fetter; to shackle
bǎng to tie / bind or fasten together / to kidnap
shuān to tie up
kǔn a bunch / to tie together / bundle
纽带 niǔ dài tie / link / bond
tiě invitation card / notice
tiè rubbing from incised inscription
Tiě surname Tie
to tie / to bind / classifier for flowers, banknotes etc: bundle / Taiwan pr. [zha2]
tiē fitting snugly / appropriate / suitable / variant of 貼|贴[tie1] / to paste / to obey
串联 chuàn lián to establish ties; to contact / (electricity) to connect (components) in series
平手 píng shǒu (sports) draw / tie
五花大绑 huā bǎng to bind a person's upper body, with arms tied behind the back and rope looped around the neck / to truss up
kuò (bound form) to tie up; to tighten up / (bound form) to include; to comprise / to put (text) in brackets / Taiwan pr. [gua1]
zhí to connect / to tie up

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