English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: tide tie tidu they ti toy tit tiao ?

整理 zhěng to arrange / to tidy up / to sort out / to straighten out / to list systematically / to collate (data, files) / to pack (luggage)
zhěng (bound form) whole; complete; entire; (before a measure word) whole; (before or after number + measure word) exactly / (bound form) in good order; tidy; neat / (bound form) to put in order; to straighten / (bound form) to repair; to mend; to renovate / (coll.) to fix sb; to give sb a hard time; to mess with sb / (dialect) to tinker with; to do sth to
整齐 zhěng orderly / neat / even / tidy
清理 qīng to clear up / to tidy up / to dispose of
收拾 shōu shi to put in order / to tidy up / to pack / to repair / (coll.) to sort sb out / to fix sb
texture / grain (of wood) / inner essence / intrinsic order / reason / logic / truth / science / natural science (esp. physics) / to manage / to pay attention to / to run (affairs) / to handle / to put in order / to tidy up
整顿 zhěng dùn to tidy up / to reorganize / to consolidate / to rectify
整洁 zhěng jié neatly / tidy
条理 tiáo arrangement / order / tidiness
清扫 qīng sǎo to tidy up / to mop up / a sweep (against crime)
顺溜 shùn liu orderly / tidy / smooth
规整 guī zhěng according to a pattern / regular / orderly / structured / neat and tidy
井然有序 jǐng rán yǒu everything clear and in good order (idiom); neat and tidy
井井有条 jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy
干净利落 gān jìng luo squeaky clean / neat and tidy / efficient
整肃 zhěng strict / serious / solemn / dignified / to tidy up / to clean up / to purge / to adjust
井然 jǐng rán tidy, methodical
拾掇 shí duo to clear up / to tidy up / to pick up / to repair
整饬 zhěng chì (literary) to put in good order; to make shipshape / (literary) orderly; neat; tidy
有条有理 yǒu tiáo yǒu (idiom) clear and orderly; neat and tidy
liáo keep tidy and repaired / sew
归置 guī zhi (coll.) to put (things) back; to tidy up; to put in order
执拾 zhí shí to tidy up (dialect)
崭齐 zhǎn orderly / tidy
干净俐落 gān jìng luò clean and efficient / neat and tidy

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