English to Chinese Dictionary


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luò to fall or drop / (of the sun) to set / (of a tide) to go out / to lower / to decline or sink / to lag or fall behind / to fall onto / to rest with / to get or receive / to write down / whereabouts / settlement
cháo tide / damp; moist; humid / fashionable; trendy / (coll.) inferior; substandard
潮流 cháo liú tide / current / trend
高潮 gāo cháo high tide; high water / upsurge; peak of activity / climax (of a story, a competition etc) / to have an orgasm
垫底 diàn to put sth on the bottom / to eat sth to tide oneself over until mealtime / to lay the foundation / to come last in the rankings
水涨船高 shuǐ zhǎng chuán gāo the tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. to change with the overall trend / to develop according to the situation
随大溜 suí liù to follow the crowd / going with the tide
浪潮 làng cháo wave / tides
night tides / evening ebbtide / Taiwan pr. [xi4]
思潮 cháo tide of thought / way of thinking characteristic of a historical period / Zeitgeist
潮水 cháo shuǐ tide
跟风 gēn fēng to go with the tide / to blindly follow the crowd / to follow the trend
赶海 gǎn hǎi (dialect) to gather seafood at the beach while the tide is out; to comb the beach for shellfish, crabs or other marine life
大潮 cháo spring tide / (fig.) momentous social change
反败为胜 fǎn bài wéi shèng to turn defeat into victory (idiom); to turn the tide
潮涌 cháo yǒng to surge like the tide
退潮 tuì cháo (of a tide) to ebb or go out
潮汛 cháo xùn spring tide
涨潮 zhǎng cháo high tide / rising tide
防潮 fáng cháo damp proof / moisture proof / protection against tides
倒灌 dào guàn to flow backwards (of water, because of flood, tide, wind etc) / reverse flow / to back up (sewage)
小潮 xiǎo cháo neap tide (the smallest tide, when moon is at first or third quarter)
低潮 cháo low tide / low ebb
时不我待 shí dài time and tide wait for no man (idiom)
随大流 suí liú to follow the crowd / going with the tide

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