English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to tao that two too tea tai tie ?

tiáo strip / item / article / clause (of law or treaty) / classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)
tiào to jump / to hop / to skip over / to bounce / to palpitate
tiáo to harmonize / to reconcile / to blend / to suit well / to adjust / to regulate / to season (food) / to provoke / to incite
tiāo to carry on a shoulder pole / to choose / to pick / to nitpick
tiǎo to raise / to dig up / to poke / to prick / to incite / to stir up
tiào have an audience
tiáo reins of leather
tiáo reed grass / Chinese trumpet vine (Campsis grandiflora) (old)
tiáo (literary) hair hanging down in front (children's hairstyle)
tiào to gaze into the distance
tiáo to jump / to climb over / to leap / to posture / a gangway
tiáo remote
tiǎo (literary) the appearance of the moon in the west at the end of a lunar month
tiáo lofty peak
tiǎo quiet and secluded / gentle, graceful, and elegant
tiāo frivolous
tiáo cicada
tiáo Korean sharpbelly (fish, Hemiculter leucisculus) / chub
tiào to sell grain
tiāo frivolous / unsteady / delay
tiáo broom
tiáo shed the milk teeth / young
tiǎo (dialect) to exchange / to replace
tiāo ancestral hall
tiāo tinnitus

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