English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: than tan taiwan tin time taian tuan town ?

tiān day / sky / heaven
tián sweet
tián to fill or stuff / (of a form etc) to fill in
tián field / farm / CL:片[pian4]
tiān to add; to increase; to replenish
tiǎn to lick / to lap
tián tennessine (chemistry)
Tián surname Tian
天山 Tiān Shān Tian Shan, mountain range straddling the border between China and Kyrgyzstan
tián sugar beet
提案 àn proposal / draft resolution / motion (to be debated) / to propose a bill / to make a proposal
tiǎn shameful / shameless
tiān used in 黇鹿[tian1 lu4]
tiǎn (literary) bright
tián quiet / calm / tranquil / peaceful
tián (literary) smoothly flowing, placid (water)
tiǎn to exterminate
北疆 Běi jiāng northern Xinjiang (north of the Tian Shan mountains 天山[Tian1 Shan1])
tiǎn make strong (as liquors) / virtuous
tián (dialect) coin; money
tián to cultivate / to hunt
tián fill up / rumbling sound
tiàn (literary) jade pendants attached to an official hat and hanging beside each ear, symbolizing refusal to listen to malicious talk / (literary) to fill up
tián to cultivate (land) / to hunt
tián cave / hole

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