English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to tw tai the di tie tu ta ?

topic / problem for discussion / exam question / subject / to inscribe / to mention / CL:個|个[ge4],道[dao4]
to carry (hanging down from the hand) / to lift / to put forward / to mention / to raise (an issue) / upwards character stroke / lifting brush stroke (in painting) / scoop for measuring liquid
to substitute for / to take the place of / to replace / for / on behalf of / to stand in for
to kick / to play (e.g. soccer) / (slang) butch (in a lesbian relationship)
to shave
shave / to weed
variant of 剃[ti4]
used in 體己|体己[ti1ji5] / Taiwan pr. [ti3]
body / form / style / system / substance / to experience / aspect (linguistics)
surname Ti
ladder / stairs
orange-red silk / orange-red colored
get rid of / ivory hairpin
hoof / pig's trotters
(bound form) to cry; to weep loudly / (bound form) (of a bird or animal) to crow; to hoot; to screech
tears / nasal mucus
洪武 Hóng Hongwu Emperor, also written Hung-wu Ti, reign name of first Ming emperor Zhu Yuanzhang 朱元璋[Zhu1 Yuan2 zhang1] (1328-1398), reigned 1386-1398, temple name 明太祖[Ming2 Tai4 zu3]
used as phonetic / female name
fearful / respectful
to do one's duty as a younger brother
to scrape the meat from bones / to pick (teeth etc) / to weed out
used in 鵜鶘|鹈鹕[ti2hu2]
used in 醍醐[ti2hu2]
drawer; tier; tray

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