English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: thing thinks think thongs thanks ting tongs twins ?

(specifier) that; the; those (colloquial pr. [nei4]) / (pronoun) that (referring to persons, things or situations) / then (in that case)
kǒu mouth / classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc) / classifier for bites or mouthfuls
jiàn item / component / classifier for events, things, clothes etc
hǎi ocean / sea / CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4] / great number of people or things / (dialect) numerous
tiáo strip / item / article / clause (of law or treaty) / classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)
yǎn eye / small hole / crux (of a matter) / CL:隻|只[zhi1],雙|双[shuang1] / classifier for big hollow things (wells, stoves, pots etc)
dào road; path (CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3]) / (bound form) way; reason; principle / (bound form) a skill; an art; a specialization / (Daoism) the Way; the Dao / to say (introducing a direct quotation, as in a novel) / (bound form) to express; to extend (polite words) / classifier for long thin things (rivers, cracks etc), barriers (walls, doors etc), questions (in an exam etc), commands, courses in a meal, steps in a process / (old) circuit (administrative division)
方便 fāng biàn convenient; suitable / to facilitate; to make things easy / having money to spare / (euphemism) to relieve oneself
怎么样 zěn me yàng how? / how about? / how was it? / how are things?
to hold; to grasp / to hold a baby in position to help it urinate or defecate / handlebar / classifier: handful, bundle, bunch / classifier for things with handles / (used to put the object before the verb: 把[ba3] + {noun} + {verb})
to pay / to hand over to / classifier for pairs or sets of things
juǎn to roll up / roll / classifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc)
fāng square / power or involution (math.) / upright / honest / fair and square / direction / side / party (to a contract, dispute etc) / place / method / prescription (medicine) / just when / only or just / classifier for square things / abbr. for square or cubic meter
shāo to burn / to cook / to stew / to bake / to roast / to heat / to boil (tea, water etc) / fever / to run a temperature / (coll.) to let things go to one's head
轻松 qīng sōng light / gentle / relaxed / effortless / uncomplicated / to relax / to take things less seriously
通用 tōng yòng to use anywhere, anytime (card, ticket etc) / to be used by everyone (language, textbook etc) / (of two or more things) interchangeable
眼光 yǎn guāng gaze / insight / foresight / vision / way of looking at things
为难 wéi nán to feel embarrassed or awkward / to make things difficult (for someone) / to find things difficult (to do or manage)
时事 shí shì current trends; the present situation; how things are going
thigh / part of a whole; portion of a sum / (finance) stock; share / strand of a thread / low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科[ke1] / classifier for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc / classifier for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff / classifier for bands of people, gangs etc / classifier for sudden forceful actions
chuàn to string together / to skewer / to connect wrongly / to gang up / to rove / string / bunch / skewer / classifier for things that are strung together, or in a bunch, or in a row: string of, bunch of, series of / to make a swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus) / to move across
协商 xié shāng to consult with / to talk things over / agreement
secondary / auxiliary / deputy / assistant / vice- / abbr. for 副詞|副词 adverb / classifier for pairs, sets of things & facial expressions
借鉴 jiè jiàn to draw on (others' experience) / to learn from (how others do things) / lesson to be learned (by observing others)
dìng to join things together by fixing them in place at one or more points / to nail / to pin / to staple / to sew on

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