English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: thigh tiefu ?

tōu to steal / to pilfer / to snatch / thief / stealthily
dào to steal / to rob / to plunder / thief / bandit / robber
zéi thief / traitor / wily / deceitful / evil / extremely
小偷 xiǎo tōu thief
大盗 dào thief; bandit (esp. one who has gained notoriety)
窃贼 qiè zéi thief
神偷 shén tōu master thief
贼喊捉贼 zéi hǎn zhuō zéi lit. a thief crying "Stop the thief!" (idiom) / fig. to accuse sb of a theft and try to sneak away oneself / to cover up one's misdeeds by shifting the blame onto others
宵小 xiāo xiǎo thief / bandit / scoundrel / villain
做贼心虚 zuò zéi xīn to feel guilty as a thief (idiom); to have sth on one's conscience
以毒攻毒 gōng to cure ills with poison (TCM) / to fight evil with evil / set a thief to catch a thief / to fight fire with fire
马贼 zéi horse thief / (old) group of horse-mounted bandits
惯偷 guàn tōu habitual thief
梁上君子 liáng shàng jūn lit. the gentleman on the roof beam / fig. a thief
抓贼 zhuā zéi to catch a thief
妙手空空 miào shǒu kōng kōng petty thief (lit. quick fingered and vanish) / empty-handed / having nothing
开门揖盗 kāi mén dào leaving the door open invites the thief (idiom); to invite disaster by giving evildoers a free hand
贼头贼脑 zéi tóu zéi nǎo lit. to behave like a thief / furtive / underhand
惯窃 guàn qiè habitual thief
惯贼 guàn zéi habitual thief
偷子 tōu zi thief
积贼 zéi confirmed thief
不怕贼偷就怕贼惦记 zéi tōu jiù zéi diàn much worse than having something stolen is when a thief has you in his sights (idiom)
人赃俱获 rén zāng huò (of a thief, smuggler etc) to be caught with stolen or illegal goods / to be caught red-handed
作贼 zuò zéi to be a thief

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