English to Chinese Dictionary


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他们 men they; them
她们 men they; them (females)
它们 men they; them
传说 chuán shuō legend; folk tale / to repeat from mouth to mouth; they say that...
人家 rén jia other people / sb else / he, she or they / I, me (referring to oneself as "one" or "people")
有没有 yǒu méi yǒu (before a noun) Do (you, they etc) have ...? / Is there a ...? / (before a verb) Did (you, they etc) (verb, infinitive)? / Have (you, they etc) (verb, past participle)?
俗话说 huà shuō as the proverb says / as they say...
(classical) this, that / he, she, they / (exclamatory final particle) / (initial particle, introduces an opinion)
据称 chēng it is said / allegedly / according to reports / or so they say
风头 fēng tóu wind direction / the way the wind blows / fig. trend / direction of events / how things develop (esp. how they affect oneself) / public opinion (concerning one's actions) / publicity (usually derog.) / limelight
如意算盘 suàn pán counting one's chickens before they are hatched
物极必反 fǎn when things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction (idiom)
车次 chē train or coach service ("service" as in "they run 12 services per day between the two cities")
孟婆 Mèng (Chinese folk religion) Meng Po, goddess who gives a potion to souls before they are reincarnated, which makes them forget their previous life / (Chinese folk religion) Meng Po, goddess of the wind
既来之,则安之 lái zhī , ān zhī Since they have come, we should make them comfortable (idiom). Since we're here, take it easy. / Since this is so, we should accept it. / Now we have come, let's stay and take the rough with the smooth. / If you can't do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it.
自有 yǒu (I, they etc) of course have (a plan, a way etc) / one's own (apartment, brand etc)
安于现状 ān xiàn zhuàng to take things as they are (idiom) / to leave a situation as it is / to be happy with the status quo
激将法 jiàng indirect, psychological method of getting sb to do as one wishes (e.g. questioning whether they are up to the task)
韭菜 jiǔ cài garlic chives (Allium tuberosum), aka Chinese chives / (fig.) retail investors who lose their money to more experienced operators (i.e. they are "harvested" like garlic chives)
冬笋 dōng sǔn winter bamboo shoots (smaller and tenderer as a result of being dug out before they come out of the soil)
套用 tào yòng to apply (sth hitherto used in a different context) / to use (rules, systems, models etc copied from elsewhere) (often implying that they aren't suited to the new situation) / to borrow (a phrase) / (Tw) (computing) to apply (a style, formatting etc)
攻无不克,战无不胜 gōng , zhàn shèng to triumph in every battle and win every fight (idiom); all-conquering / ever victorious / nothing they can't do
横刀夺爱 héng dāo duó ài to rob sb of sth they cherish (idiom)
前事不忘,后事之师 qián shì wàng , hòu shì zhī shī don't forget past events, they can guide you in future (idiom); benefit from past experience
搭售 shòu to sell an item only as part of a bundle (thereby forcing consumers to buy goods they do not want); to sell on a tie-in basis

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