English to Chinese Dictionary


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主题 zhǔ theme / subject
发挥 huī to display / to exhibit / to bring out implicit or innate qualities / to express (a thought or moral) / to develop (an idea) / to elaborate (on a theme)
主题歌 zhǔ theme song
演义 yǎn to dramatize historical events / novel or play on historical theme
出题 chū to draw up the theme (for discussion)
主线 zhǔ xiàn main line (of communication) / main thread (of a plotline or concept) / central theme
黄鹤楼 Huáng Lóu Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan City, built in 223, burnt down in 1884, rebuilt in 1985 / favored place of poet sages, who in legend arrived riding golden cranes / Tang poem by Cui Hao 崔顥|崔颢[Cui1 Hao4], with theme 'the past will never return' / one of three famous pagodas in China along with Yueyang Tower 岳陽樓|岳阳楼[Yue4 yang2 Lou2] in Yueyang, north Hunan, and Tengwang Tower 滕王閣|滕王阁[Teng2 wang2 Ge2] in Nanchang, Jiangxi
敷衍 yǎn to elaborate (on a theme) / to expound (the classics) / perfunctory / to skimp / to botch / to do sth half-heartedly or just for show / barely enough to get by
题意 meaning of a title / implication / theme
点题 diǎn to bring out the main theme / to make the point / to bring out the substance concisely
紧扣 jǐn kòu to stick closely to (a topic or theme etc)
变文 biàn wén a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing (often on Buddhist themes)
主题曲 zhǔ theme song
主旋律 zhǔ xuán (music) theme; principal melody / (fig.) central theme; main idea / (of a movie) created with the purpose of promoting Party values and point of view
主题公园 zhǔ gōng yuán theme park
主题乐园 zhǔ yuán theme park
敷演 yǎn variant of 敷衍 / to elaborate (on a theme) / to expound (the meaning of the classics)
母题 motif (loanword) / main idea / theme
重拾 chóng shí to pick up (a theme etc) / to regain (confidence) / to revive (a custom, friendship etc)

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