English to Chinese Dictionary


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上网 shàng wǎng to go online / to connect to the Internet / (of a document etc) to be uploaded to the Internet / (tennis, volleyball etc) to move in close to the net
网球 wǎng qiú tennis / tennis ball / CL:個|个[ge4]
bǎn board / plank / plate / shutter / table tennis bat / clappers (music) / CL:塊|块[kuai4] / accented beat in Chinese music / hard / stiff / to stop smiling or look serious
失误 shī lapse / mistake / to make a mistake / fault / service fault (in volleyball, tennis etc)
xiāo to peel with a knife / to pare / to cut (a ball at tennis etc)
乒乓球 pīng pāng qiú table tennis / ping-pong / table tennis ball / CL:個|个[ge4]
回合 huí one of a sequence of contests (or subdivisions of a contest) between the same two opponents / round (boxing etc) / rally (tennis etc) / frame (billiards etc) / inning / (tennis, soccer etc) rubber or leg / round (of negotiations)
赛点 sài diǎn match point (tennis etc)
乒乓 pīng pāng (onom.) rattle / clatter / (sports) ping-pong / table tennis
温网 Wēn wǎng Wimbledon Championships (tennis) / abbr. for 溫布爾登網球公開賽|温布尔登网球公开赛[Wen1 bu4 er3 deng1 Wang3 qiu2 Gong1 kai1 sai4]
拦网 lán wǎng to intercept at the net (volleyball, tennis etc) / to block
平分 píng fēn to divide evenly / to bisect (geometry) / deuce (tennis) / tied score
连击 lián to batter / combo (hit) (gaming) / (volleyball, table tennis etc) double hit / double contact
男单 nán dān men's singles (in tennis, badminton etc)
发球 qiú (tennis etc) to serve / (golf) to tee off
封网 fēng wǎng to intercept at the net (volleyball, tennis etc) / (computing) to seal off a network
接球 jiē qiú to receive a served ball (volleyball, tennis etc) / to catch a ball thrown by sb
女单 dān women's singles (in tennis, badminton etc)
落网 luò wǎng (of a bird, fish etc) to be caught in a net / (of a tennis ball) to hit the net / (of a criminal) to be captured
桌球 zhuō qiú table tennis / table tennis ball (Tw) / billiards / pool / snooker (HK, Singapore, Malaysia)
男双 nán shuāng men's doubles (in tennis, badminton etc)
女双 shuāng women's doubles (in tennis, badminton etc)
库尔尼科娃 ěr Anna Sergeevna Kournikova (1981-), Russian tennis star and glamor model
澳网 Ào wǎng Australian Open (tennis tournament)
费德勒 Fèi Roger Federer (1981-), Swiss tennis star

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