English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: taking teaching to sing taxing tossing tsing taqing tejing ?

tán to pluck (a string) / to play (a string instrument) / to spring or leap / to shoot (e.g. with a catapult) / (of cotton) to fluff or tease / to flick / to flip / to accuse / to impeach / elastic (of materials)
嘲弄 cháo nòng to tease / to poke fun at / to make fun of
取笑 xiào to tease; to make fun of
调侃 tiáo kǎn to ridicule / to tease / to mock / idle talk / chitchat
dòu to tease (playfully); to entice / (coll.) to joke / (coll.) funny; amusing / to stay; to sojourn / brief pause at the end of a phrase (variant of 讀|读[dou4])
挑逗 tiǎo dòu to provoke / to entice / to lure / to tantalize / to tease / to titillate
戏弄 nòng to play tricks on / to make fun of / to tease
liáo to tease / to provoke / to stir up (emotions)
开胃 kāi wèi to whet the appetite / appetizing / to amuse oneself at sb's expense / to tease
戏耍 shuǎ to amuse oneself / to play with / to tease
调笑 tiáo xiào to tease / to poke fun at
逗弄 dòu nòng to tease / to provoke / to play with (a child, animal etc)
逗趣 dòu to amuse / to make sb laugh / to tease
niǎo to tease / to disturb
xuè joy / to joke / to banter / to tease / to mock / Taiwan pr. [nu:e4]
撩拨 liáo to provoke / to tease
促狭 xiá (coll.) teasing; mischievous / (coll.) cunning; sly
捉弄 zhuō nòng to tease
耍猴 shuǎ hóu to get a monkey to perform tricks / to put on a monkey show / to make fun of sb / to tease
作弄 zuò nòng to tease / to play tricks on
nǎo to tease; to play around with
挑弄 tiǎo nòng to incite / to provoke / to tease
撩惹 liáo to provoke / to tease
调弄 tiáo nòng to tease / to make fun of / to provoke / to stir up (trouble)
引逗 yǐn dòu to tantalize / to lead on / to tease

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