English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: than them ten tan tam dam tian tem ?

bān team; class; grade / (military) squad / work shift / CL:個|个[ge4] / classifier for groups of people and scheduled transport vehicles
球队 qiú duì sports team (basketball, soccer, football etc)
duì squadron / team / group / CL:個|个[ge4]
队长 duì zhǎng captain / team leader / CL:個|个[ge4]
to form / to organize / group / team / classifier for sets, series, groups of people, batteries
班长 bān zhǎng class monitor / squad leader / team leader / CL:個|个[ge4]
团体 tuán group / organization / team / CL:個|个[ge4]
整体 zhěng whole entity / entire body / synthesis / as a whole (situation, construction, team etc) / global / macrocosm / integral / holistic / whole
集体 collective (decision) / joint (effort) / a group / a team / en masse / as a group
队员 duì yuán team member
团队 tuán duì team
球员 qiú yuán (ball sports) player; team member
带队 dài duì to lead a team / to lead a group / group leader / (tourism) tour guide
阵容 zhèn róng troop arrangement / battle formation / lineup (of a sports team etc)
默契 tacit understanding / mutual understanding / rapport / connected at a deep level with each other / (of team members) well coordinated / tight
出局 chū (of a batter) to be put out (in baseball); to be dismissed (in cricket) / (of a player or team) to be eliminated from a competition / (fig.) to be weeded out; to get the chop (in a competitive environment)
剧组 cast and crew / performers and production team
一把手 shǒu working hand; member of a work team; participant / the boss (short form of 第一把手[di4 yi1 ba3 shou3])
fēng point of a spear / edge of a tool / vanguard / forward (in sports team)
雄鹿 Xióng Milwaukee Bucks (NBA team)
组队 duì to team up (with) / to put a team together
雪藏 xuě cáng to keep sth in cold storage / (fig.) to suspend a performer or sports player (as punishment) / to keep sb or sth out of sight until the right moment (e.g. a key player on a sports team)
皇马 Huáng Real Madrid soccer team / abbr. for 皇家馬德里|皇家马德里
班组 bān group or team (in factories etc)
军心 jūn xīn (military) troop morale / (fig.) team morale

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