English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to the ta tw that two too te ?

chá tea / tea plant / CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2]
奶茶 nǎi chá milk tea
绿茶 chá green tea / (slang) (of a girl) seemingly innocent and charming but actually calculating and manipulative / a girl who has these qualities
红茶 hóng chá black tea / CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2]
shāo to burn / to cook / to stew / to bake / to roast / to heat / to boil (tea, water etc) / fever / to run a temperature / (coll.) to let things go to one's head
茶叶 chá tea / tea leaves / CL:盒[he2],罐[guan4],包[bao1],片[pian4]
茶道 chá dào Japanese tea ceremony / sado
to steep (tea)
shāi (bound form) a sieve / to sieve; to sift; to filter / to eliminate through selection / to warm a pot of rice wine (over a fire or in hot water) / to pour (wine or tea) / (dialect) to strike (a gong)
烘焙 hōng bèi to cure by drying over a fire (tea, meat etc) / to bake
茶庄 chá zhuāng tea shop
茶座 chá zuò teahouse / tea-stall with seats / tea-garden or teahouse seat
大红袍 hóng páo an expensive type of oolong tea
茶水 chá shuǐ tea prepared in large quantity using inexpensive tea leaves
yàn strong (of tea)
míng Thea sinensis / young leaves of tea
茶杯 chá bēi teacup / tea-glass / cup / mug / CL:隻|只[zhi1]
喝茶 chá to drink tea / to get engaged / to have a serious conversation / (fig.) to have a meeting with state security agents (to be warned to behave "responsibly")
大方 fāng expert / scholar / mother earth / a type of green tea
乌龙 lóng black dragon / unexpected mistake or mishap / own goal (soccer) / oolong (tea) / (Tw) (loanword from Japanese) udon
泡茶 pào chá to make tea
花茶 huā chá scented tea / CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2]
茶具 chá tea set / tea service
茶几 chá small side table / coffee table / teapoy (ornamental tripod with caddies for tea)
饮茶 yǐn chá to have tea and refreshments / to have dim sum lunch (Cantonese)

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