English to Chinese Dictionary


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jīng classics / sacred book / scripture / to pass through / to undergo / to bear / to endure / warp (textile) / longitude / menstruation / channel (TCM) / abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]
菊花 huā chrysanthemum / (TCM) chrysanthemum flower / (slang) anus
上火 shàng huǒ to get angry / to suffer from excessive internal heat (TCM)
to amass; to accumulate; to store up / (math.) product (the result of multiplication) / (TCM) constipation; indigestion
wèi taste / smell / (fig.) (noun suffix) feel / quality / sense / (TCM) classifier for ingredients of a medicine prescription
火气 huǒ anger / internal heat (TCM)
龙骨 lóng "dragon bones" (fossilized animal bones or teeth, used in TCM) / breastbone (of a bird) / keel (of a ship)
zhǐ angelica (type of iris) / plant root used in TCM
lìn to filter / to strain / to drain / gonorrhea / (TCM) strangury
消渴 xiāo condition characterized by thirst, hunger, frequent urination and weight loss, identified in TCM with type 2 diabetes
luò net-like object / to hold sth in place with a net / to wind / to twist / (TCM) channels in the human body
玉女 beautiful woman / fairy maiden attending the Daoist immortals / (polite) sb else's daughter / Chinese dodder (Cuscuta chinensis), plant whose seeds are used for TCM
阳虚 yáng deficiency of yang 陽|阳[yang2] (TCM)
鹿茸 róng young deer antler prior to ossification (used in TCM)
元气 yuán strength / vigor / vitality / (TCM) vital energy
wēn warm; lukewarm / to warm up / (bound form) temperature / (bound form) mild; soft; tender / to review (a lesson etc) / (TCM) fever / epidemic; pestilence (old variant of 瘟[wen1])
川芎 chuān xiōng chuanxiong rhizome (rhizome of Ligusticum wallichii, used in TCM)
中焦 zhōng jiāo (TCM) middle burner, the part of the body within the abdominal cavity (between the diaphragm and the navel, including the spleen and stomach)
五脏六腑 zàng liù five viscera and six bowels (TCM)
jiǔ moxibustion (TCM)
板蓝根 bǎn lán gēn indigo woad root / root of Isatis tinctoria (used in TCM)
正气 zhèng healthy atmosphere; moral spirit / unyielding integrity; probity / (TCM) vital energy (resistance to diseases)
黄芪 huáng huangqi / milk vetch root (used in TCM) / Astragalus membranaceus or Astragalus mongholicus
苍术 cāng zhú black atractylodes rhizome (dried rhizome of any of several atractylodes species) (TCM)
防风 fáng fēng to protect from wind / fangfeng (Saposhnikovia divaricata), its root used in TCM

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