English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: that tut tau tai tat tout tuo tao ?

bēng to draw tight; to stretch taut / to tack (with thread or pin) / (bound form) embroidery hoop / (bound form) woven bed mat
běng to have a taut face
撑开 chēng kāi to stretch taut / to open (an umbrella) / to hold (a bag etc) open / to prop open
紧绷 jǐn bēng to stretch taut / (of muscles etc) taut; strained; tense
绷着脸 běng zhe liǎn to have a taut face / to pull a long face / to look displeased
紧绷绷 jǐn bēng bēng tight; stretched / (face, lips) taut; strained
qiú bent upwards / taut
绷紧 bēng jǐn to stretch taut

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