English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: tang thank think tanka tong thanks tanke tanki ?

背心 bèi xīn sleeveless garment (vest, waistcoat, singlet, tank top etc) / CL:件[jian4]
坦克 tǎn tank (military vehicle) (loanword)
战车 zhàn chē war chariot / tank
气瓶 píng gas cylinder / air bottle / air tank (diving)
外挂 wài guà attached externally (e.g. fuel tank) / plug-in / add-on / special software used to cheat in an online game
水箱 shuǐ xiāng water tank / radiator (automobile) / cistern / lavabo
鱼缸 gāng fish tank / fishbowl / aquarium
内胆 nèi dǎn inner container (e.g. the rice pot inside a rice cooker, the vacuum bottle inside a thermos, the tank inside a hot water heater, the bladder of a football)
罐车 guàn chē (road) tanker truck / (rail) tank car; tank wagon
全胜 quán shèng total victory / to excel by far / name of a tank / slam
油箱 yóu xiāng oil tank
油船 yóu chuán (oil) tanker / tank ship
摆烂 bǎi làn (neologism c. 2014) (slang) to stop striving (esp. when one knows one cannot succeed); to let it all go to hell; (sports) to tank
塌房 fáng (neologism c. 2020) (of a celebrity) to have one's reputation tank due to a scandal
张华 Zhāng Huá Zhang Hua (232-300), Western Jin writer, poet and politician / Zhang Hua (1958-1982), student held up as a martyr after he died saving an old peasant from a septic tank / other Zhang Hua's too numerous to mention
坦克车 tǎn chē tank (armored vehicle)
智库 zhì think tank; intellectual resource
智囊机构 zhì náng gòu think tank; brain trust
储气罐 chǔ guàn gas tank (for gas, not gasoline)
储水箱 chǔ shuǐ xiāng water-storage tank
全球发展中心 Quán qiú zhǎn Zhōng xīn Center for Global Development (an environmental think tank)
化粪池 huà fèn chí septic tank
反坦克 fǎn tǎn anti-tank
反应锅 fǎn yìng guō (chemical engineering) reaction vessel; reaction tank
外交关系理事会 Wài jiāo Guān shì huì Council on Foreign Relations (US policy think tank)

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