English to Chinese Dictionary


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xùn to attain gradually / to tame / Taiwan pr. [xun2]
xiáng to surrender / to capitulate / to subdue / to tame
驯服 xùn to tame / tame / docile
驯化 xùn huà to tame / to domesticate
Yu the Great (c. 21st century BC), mythical leader who tamed the floods / surname Yu
降伏 xiáng to subdue / to vanquish / to tame
大禹 Yu the Great (c. 21st century BC) mythical leader who tamed the floods
驯良 xùn liáng docile / tame
温驯 wēn xùn docile / meek / harmless / moderate and obedient / tame
驯顺 xùn shùn tame / docile
驯扰 xùn rǎo to tame
驯驼 xùn tuó to tame a camel
驯从 xùn cóng tame / obedient
训兽术 xùn shòu shù animal training / taming wild beast (e.g. lion-taming)
驯悍记 xùn hàn Taming of the Shrew, play by William Shakespeare
驭兽术 shòu shù animal training / taming wild beast (e.g. lion-taming)

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