English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: the tai taihu tie tahe taie taiho tide ?

泰和 Tài see 泰和縣|泰和县[Tai4 he2 xian4]
泰和 tài calm and peaceful
太和 Tài Taihe, a county in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fu4yang2], Anhui / Taihe, a district of Jinzhou City 錦州市| 锦州市[Jin3zhou1 Shi4], Liaoning
太和区 Tài Taihe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州市, Liaoning
太和县 Tài Xiàn Taihe, a county in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fu4yang2], Anhui
泰和县 Tài xiàn Taihe county, Jiangxi

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