English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: to the dai ti tao ta tw that ?

tài highest / greatest / too (much) / very / extremely
tái desk; table; counter
tái platform / stage / terrace / stand / support / station / broadcasting station / classifier for vehicles or machines
tái typhoon
tái (classical) you (in letters) / variant of 臺|台[tai2]
tái to lift / to raise / (of two or more persons) to carry
tái variant of 抬[tai2]
tāi fetus / classifier for litters (of puppies etc) / padding (in clothing or bedding) / womb carrying a fetus / (fig.) origin / source / (loanword) tire
gīng uptight; obstinate; to awkwardly force oneself to do sth (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [king], often written as ㄍㄧㄥ, no generally accepted hanzi form)
A菜 A cài (Tw) A-choy, or Taiwanese lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. sativa) (from Taiwanese 萵仔菜, Tai-lo pr. [ue-á-tshài] or [e-á-tshài])
Tái Taiwan (abbr.) / surname Tai
Tái Taiwan (abbr.)
K书 K shū (Tw) to cram; to study (from Taiwanese 齧書, Tai-lo pr. [khè su], lit. to gnaw a book) / see also 啃書|啃书[ken3 shu1]
tài (bound form) / appearance / shape / form / state / attitude / (grammar) voice
肥城 Féi chéng Feicheng, county-level city in Tai'an 泰安[Tai4 an1], Shandong
tài titanium (chemistry)
新泰 Xīn tài Xintai, county-level city in Tai'an 泰安[Tai4 an1], Shandong
大班 bān tai-pan / business executive / foreign business manager / top class of kindergarten or school grade
Dài Mt Tai in Shandong / same as 泰山
tài peptide (two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH)
大埔 Dabu County in Meizhou 梅州[Mei2 zhou1], Guangdong / Tai Po district of New Territories, Hong Kong / Dabu or Tabu Township in Chiayi County 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 Xian4], west Taiwan
泰山 Tài Shān Mt Tai in Shandong, eastern mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]
Tài Mt Tai 泰山[Tai4 Shan1] in Shandong / abbr. for Thailand
tài safe / peaceful / most / grand
宁阳 Níng yáng Ningyang county in Tai'an 泰安[Tai4 an1], Shandong

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