English to Chinese Dictionary


bié to leave; to part (from) / (literary) to differentiate; to distinguish / (bound form) other; another; different / don't ...! / to fasten with a pin or clip / to stick in; to insert (in order to hinder movement) / (noun suffix) category (e.g. 性別|性别[xing4 bie2], 派別|派别[pai4 bie2])
是不是 shì shì is or isn't / yes or no / whether or not
没关系 méi guān xi it doesn't matter
没什么 méi shén me it doesn't matter; it's nothing; never mind / think nothing of it; it's my pleasure; you're welcome
没有 méi yǒu haven't / hasn't / doesn't exist / to not have / to not be
不客气 qi you're welcome / don't mention it / impolite / rude / blunt
不要 yào don't!; must not
不行 xíng won't do / be out of the question / be no good / not work / not be capable
感冒 gǎn mào to catch cold / (common) cold / CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4] / (coll.) to be interested in (often used in the negative) / (Tw) to detest / can't stand
难道 nán dào don't tell me ... / could it be that...?
不得不 have no choice or option but to / cannot but / have to / can't help it / can't avoid
受不了 shòu liǎo unbearable / unable to endure / can't stand
是否 shì fǒu whether (or not) / if / is or isn't
说不定 shuō bu dìng can't say for sure / maybe
没错 méi cuò that's right / sure! / rest assured! / that's good / can't go wrong
不要紧 yào jǐn unimportant / not serious / it doesn't matter / never mind / it looks all right, but
没想到 méi xiǎng dào didn't expect
没法儿 méi fǎr (coll.) can't do anything about it / (coll.) there's no way that ...; it's simply not credible that ... / (coll.) couldn't be (better) (i.e. simply wonderful)
倒是 dào shi contrary to what one might expect / actually / contrariwise / why don't you
不曾 céng hasn't yet; hasn't ever
不许 not to allow / must not / can't
不敢当 gǎn dāng lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve your praise / you flatter me
能否 néng fǒu whether or not / can it or can't it / is it possible?
母鸡 hen / don't know (humorous slang mimicking Cantonese 唔知, Jyutping: m4 zi1)
赶不上 gǎn shàng can't keep up with / can't catch up with / cannot overtake

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