English to Chinese Dictionary


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mén gate / door / CL:扇[shan4] / gateway / doorway / CL:個|个[ge4] / opening / valve / switch / way to do something / knack / family / house / (religious) sect / school (of thought) / class / category / phylum or division (taxonomy) / classifier for large guns / classifier for lessons, subjects, branches of technology / (suffix) -gate (i.e. scandal; derived from Watergate)
打开 kāi to open / to show (a ticket) / to turn on / to switch on
huàn to exchange / to change (clothes etc) / to substitute / to switch / to convert (currency)
交换 jiāo huàn to exchange / to swap / to switch (telecom) / commutative (math) / to commute
转换 zhuǎn huàn to change / to switch / to convert / to transform
开关 kāi guān power switch / gas valve / to open the city (or frontier) gate / to open and close / to switch on and off
替换 huàn to exchange; to replace; to substitute for; to switch
zhá sluice; sluice gate / to dam up water / (coll.) brake / (coll.) electric switch
刹车 shā chē to brake (when driving) / to stop / to switch off / to check (bad habits) / a brake
关掉 guān diào to switch off; to shut off
切换 qiē huàn to switch over / to switch modes or data streams / to cut (to a new scene)
断开 duàn kāi to break / to sever / to turn off (electric switch)
通电 tōng diàn to set up an electric circuit / to electrify / to switch on / to be connected to an electricity grid / open telegram
改用 gǎi yòng to change over to / to switch to / to use (sth different)
转入 zhuǎn to change over to; to shift to; to switch to
跳闸 tiào zhá (of a circuit breaker or switch) to trip / to jump a turnstile
道岔 dào chà railroad switch
电闸 diàn zhá electric switch / circuit breaker
转接 zhuǎn jiē (telephony etc) to switch / to connect / to transfer
电门 diàn mén electric switch
转而 zhuǎn ér to turn to (sth else); to switch to
闸盒 zhá electric fusebox / switch box
电键 diàn jiàn electric key / switch
改换门庭 gǎi huàn mén tíng to improve one's family's social status by moving up in the world / to switch one's allegiance to a new patron
朝秦暮楚 zhāo Qín Chǔ serve Qin in the morning Chu in the evening (idiom); quick to switch sides

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