English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: swiss switch shish sigh shishi sash shishu suishi ?

shuā a brush / to paint; to daub / to brush; to scrub / (fig.) to remove; to eliminate (from a contest); to fire (from a job) / (onom.) swish; rustle / to swipe (a card) / to scroll on (a phone)
空心 kōng xīn hollow / (of vegetables) to become hollow or spongy inside / (of a basketball) to swish through (not touching the hoop)
sōu (onom.) whooshing / swishing / rustle of skirts
shuā (onom.) swishing / rustling
嗖嗖 sōu sōu (onom.) whooshing / swishing / rustle of skirts / laughingly
空心球 kōng xīn qiú hollow ball / (basketball) swish shot

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