English to Chinese Dictionary


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瑞典 Ruì diǎn Sweden
阿斯利康 Ā kāng AstraZeneca (British-Swedish pharmaceutical company)
沃尔沃 ěr Volvo (Swedish car company)
宜家 jiā IKEA, Swedish furniture retailer
斯德哥尔摩 ěr Stockholm, capital of Sweden
爱立信 Ài xìn Ericsson (Swedish telecommunications company)
克朗 lǎng krone (currency of Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden) (loanword)
赫尔辛基 ěr xīn Helsinki (Swedish Helsingfors), capital of Finland
伊莱克斯 lái Electrolux (Swedish manufacturer of home appliances)
哥德堡 bǎo Gothenburg (city in Sweden)
坦佩雷 Tǎn pèi léi Tampere (Swedish Tammerfors), Finland's second city
林雪平 Lín xuě píng Linköping, city in southeast Sweden
乌普萨拉 Uppsala, Swedish university city just north of Stockholm
厄勒布鲁 È Örebro (city in Sweden)
瑞典语 Ruì diǎn Swedish (language)
博格 Borg (name) / Bjorn Borg (1956-), Swedish tennis star
斯文·赫定 wén · dìng Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adventurer and archaeologist, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan 樓蘭|楼兰
高本汉 Gāo Běn hàn Bernhard Karlgren (1889-1978), distinguished Swedish linguist and sinologist
博福斯 Bofors, Swedish arms company involved in major corruption case during 1980s
厄勒海峡 È Hǎi xiá Øresund / The Sound (strait between Denmark and Sweden)
埃斯特朗 Āi lǎng Anders Jonas Angstrom or Ångström (1814-1874), Swedish physicist
斯文·海定 wén · Hǎi dìng Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adventurer and archaeologist, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan 樓蘭|楼兰[Lou2 lan2] / also written 斯文·赫定
林克平大学 Lín píng xué Linköping University, Sweden
马尔默 ěr Malmo (Malmo city, of Sweden)

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