English to Chinese Dictionary


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hàn perspiration / sweat / CL:滴[di1],頭|头[tou2],身[shen1] / to be speechless (out of helplessness, embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection)
出汗 chū hàn to perspire / to sweat
苦练 liàn to train hard / to practice diligently / hard work / blood, sweat, and tears
汗水 hàn shuǐ sweat / perspiration
jīn saliva / sweat / a ferry crossing / a ford (river crossing)
血汗 xuè hàn (fig.) sweat and toil; hard work
汗液 hàn sweat
排泄 pái xiè to drain (factory waste etc) / to excrete (urine, sweat etc)
沾满 zhān mǎn muddy / covered in (mud, dust, sweat, blood etc) / daubed in
汗腺 hàn xiàn sweat gland
大汗淋漓 hàn lín dripping with sweat
汗流浃背 hàn liú jiā bèi to sweat profusely (idiom) / drenched in sweat
流汗 liú hàn to sweat
冷汗 lěng hàn cold sweat
发汗 hàn to sweat
盗汗 dào hàn night sweats
呕心沥血 ǒu xīn xuè lit. to spit out one's heart and spill blood (idiom) / to work one's heart out / blood, sweat and tears
sāo to smell of urine (or sweat etc)
痱子 fèi zi miliaria (type of skin disease) / prickly heat / sweat rash
汗珠 hàn zhū beads of sweat
挥汗如雨 huī hàn to drip with sweat / sweat poured off (him)
汗如雨下 hàn xià sweating like rain (idiom); to perspire profusely / sweating like a pig
挥汗 huī hàn to sweat profusely
汗牛充栋 hàn niú chōng dòng lit. enough books to make a pack-ox sweat or to fill a house to the rafters (idiom); fig. many books
捏一把汗 niē hàn to break out into a cold sweat (idiom)

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