English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sustain stained ?

zhī to support / to sustain / to erect / to raise / branch / division / to draw money / classifier for rods such as pens and guns, for army divisions and for songs or compositions
持续 chí to continue / to persist / to last / sustainable / preservation
受伤 shòu shāng to sustain injuries / wounded (in an accident etc) / harmed
遭受 zāo shòu to suffer; to sustain (loss, misfortune)
承载 chéng zài to bear the weight / to sustain
自立 independent / self-reliant / self-sustaining / to stand on one's own feet / to support oneself
shé to snap / to break (a stick, a bone etc) / (bound form) to sustain a loss (in business)
赔本 péi běn loss / to sustain losses
蒙受 méng shòu to suffer / to sustain (loss)
苟活 gǒu huó to live without dignity; to barely sustain oneself
自养 yǎng self-sustaining / economically independent (of state aid, foreign subsidy etc)
负伤 shāng to be wounded / to sustain an injury
倒赔 dào péi to sustain loss in trade
撑持 chēng chí (fig.) to sustain / to shore up
碰瓷 pèng (coll.) to scam sb by setting up an "accident" in which one appears to have sustained damage or injury caused by the scam victim, then demanding compensation (variations include putting "expensive" porcelain in a place where it is likely to be knocked over by passers-by, and stepping into the path of a slow-moving car)
永续 yǒng sustainable / perpetual
乐活 huó LOHAS (lifestyles of health and sustainability)
撑拒 chēng to resist / to struggle / to sustain
可持续发展 chí zhǎn sustainable development
可持续 chí sustainable
修成正果 xiū chéng zhèng guǒ to achieve Buddhahood through one's efforts and insight / to obtain a positive outcome after sustained efforts / to come to fruition
强音踏板 qiáng yīn bǎn loud pedal (on piano) / sustaining pedal
承重孙 chéng zhòng sūn eldest grandson (to sustain upper storeys of ancestor worship)
永续城市 yǒng chéng shì sustainable city (Tw)
犬伤 quǎn shāng dog bite; injury sustained in a dog attack

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