English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shushi such suishi shi sishi sui xushi sushe ?

寿司 shòu sushi
素食 shí vegetarian food / to eat a vegetarian diet
速食 shí (of food) fast; instant / (Tw) fast food
俗世 shì the mundane world; the world of mortals
手卷 shǒu juǎn temaki (a nori cone filled with sushi)
俗事 shì everyday routine / ordinary affairs
sushi / grouper (Portuguese: garoupa) / Epinephelus septemfasciatus
苏轼 Shì Su Shi (1037-1101), aka Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡[Su1 Dong1 po1], Song dynasty writer, calligrapher and public official, one of the Three Su's 三蘇|三苏[San1 Su1] and one of the Eight Giants of Tang and Song Prose 唐宋八大家[Tang2 Song4 Ba1 Da4 jia1]
宿世 shì previous life
回转寿司 huí zhuǎn shòu conveyor belt sushi (restaurant)
夙世 shì previous life
女体盛 chéng nyotaimori or "body sushi", Japanese practice of serving sushi on the body of a naked woman

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