English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: song sing sang seng suns shang zung xing ?

唱和 chàng antiphon (i.e. solo voice answered by chorus) / sung reply (in agreement with first voice) / to reply with a poem in the same rhythm
琴书 qín shū traditional art form, consisting of sung story telling with musical accompaniment
闹太套 nào tài tào (Internet slang) transcription of "not at all" – English words in a song promoting the 2008 Beijing Olympics sung by Huang Xiaoming 黃曉明|黄晓明[Huang2 Xiao3 ming2], who became a laughing stock in China because his pronunciation was perceived as embarrassingly bad / to be a laughing stock / to make a fool of oneself (i.e. equivalent to 鬧笑話|闹笑话[nao4 xiao4 hua5])
金日成 Jīn chéng Kim Il Sung (1912-1994) Great Leader of North Korea
友谊地久天长 Yǒu jiǔ tiān cháng Auld Lang Syne, Scottish song with lyrics by Robert Burns 羅伯特·伯恩斯|罗伯特·伯恩斯[Luo2 bo2 te4 · Bo2 en1 si1], sung to mark the start of a new year or as a farewell / also rendered 友誼萬歲|友谊万岁[You3 yi4 wan4 sui4] or 友誼天長地久|友谊天长地久[You3 yi4 tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3]
朴智星 Piáo Zhì xīng Park Ji-sung (1981-), South Korean former footballer, played for Manchester United (2005-2012)

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