English to Chinese Dictionary


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呼风唤雨 fēng huàn to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers / fig. to stir up troubles
奋勇 fèn yǒng dauntless / to summon up courage and determination / using extreme force of will
zhào to call together / to summon / to convene / temple or monastery (used in place names in Inner Mongolia)
召唤 zhào huàn to summon / to beckon / to call
传讯 chuán xùn to summon (a witness) / to subpoena
鼓起 to summon one's (courage, faith etc) / to puff up (one's cheeks etc) / to bulge / to swell out
召见 zhào jiàn call in (one's subordinates) / summon (an envoy of a foreign country) to an interview
调集 diào to summon / to muster / to assemble
yún to summon / to propagate / to transmit
拘传 chuán subpoena / to summon (for questioning)
(literary) king; monarch / (literary) (of a sovereign) to summon to official service / (literary) to avoid (variant of 避[bi4]) / (literary) to repel (variant of 避[bi4])
招唤 zhāo huàn to call; to summon
兴妖作怪 xīng yāo zuò guài lit. to summon demons to create havoc (idiom) / fig. to stir up all kinds of trouble
扬幡招魂 yáng fān - zhāo hún lit. to raise a banner to summon the soul of a dying person (idiom) / fig. to try to revive what is obsolete or dead
传见 chuán jiàn to summon for an interview
唤雨呼风 huàn fēng to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom) / to exercise magical powers / fig. to stir up troubles / also 呼風喚雨|呼风唤雨[hu1 feng1 huan4 yu3]
硬着头皮 yìng zhe tóu to brace oneself to do sth / to put a bold face on it / to summon up courage / to force oneself to
鼓起勇气 yǒng to summon one's courage
鼓足勇气 yǒng to summon one's courage

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