English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: siming suning shuming sujing saying sing suxing xuming ?

(joining two nouns) and; together with; with (Taiwan pr. [han4]) / (math.) sum / to make peace / (sports) to draw; to tie / (bound form) harmonious / (bound form) Japan; Japanese
pen / pencil / writing brush / to write or compose / the strokes of Chinese characters / classifier for sums of money, deals / CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1]
zǒng general; overall / to sum up / in every case; always; invariably / anyway; after all; eventually; sooner or later / surely / (after a person's name) abbr. for 總經理|总经理[zong3 jing1 li3] or 總編|总编[zong3 bian1] etc
总结 zǒng jié to sum up / to conclude / summary / résumé / CL:個|个[ge4]
综合 zōng comprehensive / composite / synthesized / mixed / to sum up / to integrate / to synthesize
xiàng back of neck / item / thing / term (in a mathematical formula) / sum (of money) / classifier for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research projects etc
总共 zǒng gòng altogether; in sum; in all; in total
总数 zǒng shù total / sum / aggregate
共计 gòng to sum up to / to total
thigh / part of a whole; portion of a sum / (finance) stock; share / strand of a thread / low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科[ke1] / classifier for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc / classifier for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff / classifier for bands of people, gangs etc / classifier for sudden forceful actions
金额 jīn é sum of money / monetary value
付款 kuǎn to pay a sum of money / payment
款项 kuǎn xiàng funds / a sum of money / CL:宗[zong1]
总的来说 zǒng de lái shuō generally speaking / to sum up / in summary / in short
数额 shù é amount / sum of money / fixed number
综上所述 zōng shàng suǒ shù to summarize / to sum up
zhù to inject / to pour into / to concentrate / to pay attention / stake (gambling) / classifier for sums of money / variant of 註|注[zhu4]
点心 diǎn xin light refreshments / pastry / dim sum (in Cantonese cooking) / dessert
差额 chā é balance (financial) / discrepancy (in a sum or quota) / difference
巨额 é large sum (of money) / a huge amount
归纳 guī to sum up / to summarize / to conclude from facts / induction (method of deduction in logic)
大笔 (formal, honorific) your writing; your handwriting / pen; calligraphy brush / a large sum of (money)
归结 guī jié to sum up; to conclude; to put in a nutshell / conclusion; end (of a story etc)
AB制 A B zhì to split the bill (where the male counterpart foots the larger portion of the sum) / (theater) a system where two actors take turns in acting the main role, with one actor replacing the other if either is unavailable
综述 zōng shù to sum up / a roundup / a general narrative

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