English to Chinese Dictionary


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花木兰 Huā lán Hua Mulan, legendary woman warrior (c. fifth century), Northern dynasties folk hero recorded in Sui and Tang literature
隋书 Suí shū History of the Sui Dynasty, thirteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Wei Zheng 魏徵|魏征[Wei4 Zheng1] in 636 during Tang Dynasty, 85 scrolls
Sui-Tang (premodern ethnic group)
中古 zhōng medieval / Middle Ages / Chinese middle antiquity, 3rd to 9th centuries, including Sui and Tang Dynasties / Middle (of a language, e.g. Middle English) / used / second-hand
孙思邈 Sūn miǎo Sun Simiao (c. 581-682), doctor and herbalist of the Sui and Tang dynasty, author of Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold 千金要方[Qian1 jin1 Yao4 fang1]
王世充 Wáng Shì chōng Wang Shichong (-621), general of late Sui and opponent of early Tang
虞世南 Shì nán Yu Shinan (558-638), politician of Sui and early Tang periods, poet and calligrapher, one of Four Great Calligraphers of early Tang 唐初四大家[Tang2 chu1 Si4 Da4 jia1]
褚人获 Chǔ Rén huò Chu Renhuo (1635-1682), author of historical novel Dramatized History of Sui and Tang 隋唐演義|隋唐演义[Sui2 Tang2 Yan3 yi4]
隋唐 Suí Táng Sui (581-617) and Tang dynasties (618-907)
隋唐演义 Suí Táng Yǎn Dramatized History of Sui and Tang, novel by Qing dynasty author Chu Renhuo 褚人獲|褚人获[Chu3 Ren2 huo4]
魏征 Wèi Zhēng Wei Zheng (580-643), Tang politician and historian, notorious as a critic, editor of History of the Sui Dynasty 隋書|隋书

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