English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sucked succeeded ?

chéng to succeed / to finish / to complete / to accomplish / to become / to turn into / to be all right / OK! / one tenth
成功 chéng gōng to succeed / success / successful; fruitful
zháo to touch / to come in contact with / to feel / to be affected by / to catch fire / to burn / (coll.) to fall asleep / (after a verb) hitting the mark / succeeding in
继承 chéng to inherit / to succeed to (the throne etc) / to carry on (a tradition etc)
to continue / to follow after / to go on with / to succeed / to inherit / then / afterwards
接班 jiē bān to take over (from those working the previous shift) / to take over (in a leadership role etc) / to succeed sb
得手 shǒu to go smoothly; to come off; to succeed
发愤图强 fèn qiáng to be strongly determined to succeed (idiom)
吹了 chuī le failed; busted; to have not succeeded / to have died / to have parted company; to have chilled (of a relationship)
继任 rèn to succeed sb in a job / successor
成全 chéng quán to help sb accomplish his aim / to help sb succeed / to complete / to make whole / to round off
打响 xiǎng to start shooting or firing / to win an initial success / to succeed (of a plan)
继位 wèi to succeed to the throne
chěng to show off / to flaunt / to carry out or succeed in a scheme / to indulge / to give free rein to
suì to satisfy / to succeed / then / thereupon / finally / unexpectedly / to proceed / to reach
望子成龙 wàng chéng lóng lit. to hope one's son becomes a dragon (idiom); fig. to long for one' s child to succeed in life / to have great hopes for one's offspring / to give one's child the best education as a career investment
歪打正着 wāi zhèng zháo to succeed by a lucky stroke
雅乐 yuè formal ceremonial music of each succeeding Chinese dynasty starting with the Zhou / Korean a'ak / Japanese gagaku
蟾宫折桂 chán gōng zhé guì lit. plucking a branch of osmanthus from the Toad Palace (i.e. the moon) / fig. to succeed in the imperial examination
成事 chéng shì to accomplish the objective / to succeed
即位 wèi to succeed to the throne / accession
成败利钝 chéng bài dùn succeed or fail, sharp or blunt (idiom); advantages and disadvantages / success and failure / You win some, you lose some.
摆烂 bǎi làn (neologism c. 2014) (slang) to stop striving (esp. when one knows one cannot succeed); to let it all go to hell; (sports) to tank
钻谋 zuān móu to use influence to get what one wants / to find a way through (esp. corrupt) / to succeed by means fair or foul
继述 shù (literary) to carry on / to inherit / to succeed

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