English to Chinese Dictionary


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mēng (knocked) unconscious / dazed / stunned
震撼 zhèn hàn to shake / to shock / to stun / shocking / stunning / shock
昏迷 hūn to lose consciousness / to be in a coma / stupor / coma / stunned / disoriented
惊诧 jīng chà to be surprised / to be amazed / to be stunned
léi thunder / (bound form) (military) mine, as in 地雷[di4 lei2] land mine / (coll.) to shock; to stun; to astound / (Tw) (coll.) spoiler / (Tw) (coll.) to reveal plot details to (sb)
惊呆 jīng dāi stupefied; stunned
傻眼 shǎ yǎn (coll.) stunned; dumbfounded; flabbergasted
六神无主 liù shén zhǔ out of one's wits (idiom) / distracted / stunned
惊愕 jīng è (literary) stunned; stupefied
电棒 diàn bàng (coll.) flashlight / (Tw) stun baton / (Tw) hair iron; hair tongs
愕然 è rán stunned / amazed
发呆 dāi to stare blankly / to be stunned / to be lost in thought
怔住 zhèng zhù dumbfounded; stunned
电枪 diàn qiāng stun gun / Taser
惊急 jīng stunned and anxious
目眩神迷 xuàn shén to be dazzled and stunned (idiom)
惊槑 jīng dāi (Internet slang) stupefied / stunned
击晕 yūn to stun / to render unconscious (with a blow)
惊遽 jīng in a panic / stunned
闪光弹 shǎn guāng dàn flashbang; stun grenade
傻爆眼 shǎ bào yǎn (slang) stunned; flabbergasted (emphatic form of 傻眼[sha3yan3])
电警棍 diàn jǐng gùn stun baton
目怔口呆 zhēng kǒu dāi lit. eye startled, mouth struck dumb (idiom); stunned / stupefied
目睁口呆 zhēng kǒu dāi stunned / dumbstruck
目瞪口呆 dèng - kǒu dāi (idiom) dumbstruck; stupefied; stunned

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