English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: study stud saudi shudi studied sudi shudao shudiao ?

书房 shū fáng study (room) / studio / CL:間|间[jian1]
演播室 yǎn shì broadcasting studio
实景 shí jǐng real scene (not set up or posed) / real location (not a film studio set or theater) / live action (not animation)
画室 huà shì artist's studio / atelier
皮克斯 Pixar Animation Studios
婚纱摄影 hūn shā shè yǐng wedding photos (done in studio, kit and caboodle taken care of by the studio)
直播间 zhí jiān studio for live streaming / a live stream
吉卜力工作室 Gōng zuò shì Studio Ghibli, Japanese film studio
摄影棚 shè yǐng péng film studio / television studio
聊斋志异 Liáo zhāi Zhì Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, Qing dynasty book of tales by 蒲松齡|蒲松龄[Pu2 Song1 ling2]
道馆 dào guǎn martial arts studio; dojo
工作室 gōng zuò shì studio / workshop
照相馆 zhào xiàng guǎn photo studio
制片厂 zhì piàn chǎng film studio
高畑勋 Gāo tián Xūn Isao Takahata (1935-2018), co-founder of Studio Ghibli

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