English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: student stunts ?

zuò to make; to produce / to write; to compose / to do; to engage in; to hold (a party etc) / (of a person) to be (an intermediary, a good student etc); to become (husband and wife, friends etc) / (of a thing) to serve as; to be used for / to assume (an air or manner)
多少 duō shao how much?; how many? / (phone number, student ID etc) what number?
学生 xué sheng student / schoolchild
同学 tóng xué to study at the same school / fellow student / classmate / CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4]
女生 shēng schoolgirl / female student / girl
男生 nán shēng schoolboy / male student / boy / guy (young adult male)
放学 fàng xué to dismiss students at the end of the school day
大学生 xué shēng university student / college student
中学生 zhōng xué shēng middle-school student / high school student
小学生 xiǎo xué shēng primary school student / schoolchild / CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2] / (fig.) beginner
shēng to be born / to give birth / life / to grow / raw / uncooked / student
作文 zuò wén to write an essay / composition (student essay) / CL:篇[pian1]
开学 kāi xué (of a student) to start school / (of a semester) to begin / (old) to found a school / the start of a new term
考生 kǎo shēng exam candidate / student whose name has been put forward for an exam
留学生 liú xué shēng student studying abroad / (foreign) exchange student / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
打工 gōng to work a temporary or casual job / (of students) to have a job outside of class time, or during vacation
班级 bān class (group of students) / grade (in school)
录取 to accept an applicant (prospective student, employee etc) who passes an entrance exam / to admit (a student) / to hire (a job candidate)
研究生 yán jiū shēng graduate student / postgraduate student / research student
招生 zhāo shēng to enroll new students / to get students
dàng at or in the very same... / suitable / adequate / fitting / proper / to replace / to regard as / to think / to pawn / (coll.) to fail (a student)
学员 xué yuán student / member of an institution of learning / officer cadet
师生 shī shēng teachers and students
新生 xīn shēng new / newborn / emerging / nascent / rebirth / regeneration / new life / new student
大体 in general; more or less; in rough terms; basically; on the whole / overall situation; the big picture / cadaver for dissection in training medical students

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