English to Chinese Dictionary


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qiǎ to block / to be stuck / to be wedged / customs station / a clip / a fastener / a checkpost / Taiwan pr. [ka3]
xiàn pitfall / trap / to get stuck / to sink / to cave in / to frame (false charge) / to capture (a city in battle) / to fall (to the enemy) / defect
chá to cross / be stuck
狼狈不堪 láng bèi kān battered and exhausted / stuck in a dilemma
被套 bèi tào quilt cover / to have money stuck (in stocks, real estate etc)
停滞不前 tíng zhì qián stuck and not moving forward (idiom); stagnant / in a rut / at a standstill
卡壳 qiǎ (of a bullet or shell) to jam / (fig.) to get stuck; to be held up; to reach an impasse
如胶似漆 jiāo stuck together as by glue (of lovers) / joined at the hip
故步自封 fēng stuck in the old ways (idiom); refusing to acknowledge new ideas / stagnating and conservative
依然故我 rán to be one's old self (idiom) / to be unchanged / (derog.) to be stuck in one's ways
骨鲠 gěng fish bone / bone stuck in the throat / sth one feels obliged to speak out about / candid speaker
骨鲠在喉 gěng zài hóu fish bone stuck in one's throat (idiom); fig. to feel obliged to speak out candidly / sth on one's mind
卡关 guān to be stuck / to feel stuck
卡死 jammed / stuck / frozen (computer)
进退不得 jìn tuì can't advance or retreat (idiom); no room for maneuver / stalled / in a dilemma / stuck in a difficult position
塞牙 sāi to get food stuck between one's teeth
如鲠在喉 gěng zài hóu lit. as if having a fish bone stuck in one's throat (idiom) / fig. very upset and needing to express one's displeasure
蹈常袭故 dǎo cháng follow the same old path (idiom); stuck in a rut / always the same routine

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