English to Chinese Dictionary


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石头 shí tou stone / CL:塊|块[kuai4]
宝石 bǎo shí precious stone; gem / CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1]
珠宝 zhū bǎo pearls / jewels / precious stones
pit / stone / nucleus / nuclear / to examine / to check / to verify
bēi a monument / an upright stone tablet / stele / CL:塊|块[kuai4],面[mian4]
阶梯 jiē flight of steps / (fig.) stepping stone; way to reach the goal of
铺路 to pave (with paving stones) / to lay a road / (fig.) to lay the groundwork (for sth) / to give a present to sb to ensure success
石渠 shí stone channel (e.g. drain)
láng jade-like stone / clean and white / tinkling of pendants
mín jade-like stone
石像 shí xiàng stone statue
shí rock / stone / stone inscription / one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]
云梯 yún (military) ladder used for scaling the walls of a fortified place (i.e. for escalading) in ancient times / firefighters' extension ladder / stone steps on a mountain
石碑 shí bēi stele / stone tablet (for inscription) / CL:方[fang1]
juān to engrave (on wood or stone) / to inscribe
áo hill strewn with stones / (used in place names)
砂石 shā shí sandstone / sand and stone / aggregate
jade-like stone
to build by laying bricks or stones
基石 shí foundation stone; cornerstone / (fig.) basis; foundation
chēn precious stone / gem
mín alabaster, jade-like stone
结石 jié shí (medicine) calculus; stone
玉石 shí jade / jade and stone / (fig.) the good and the bad
lěi rampart / base (in baseball) / to build with stones, bricks etc

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