English to Chinese Dictionary


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炒股 chǎo (coll.) to speculate in stocks
身价 shēn jià social status / price of a slave / price of a person (a sportsman etc) / worth / value (of stocks, valuables etc)
证券 zhèng quàn negotiable security (financial) / certificate / stocks and bonds
操盘 cāo pán (finance) (of a fund manager, high-wealth individual etc) to make large trades (in stocks, futures etc) / (fashion, movies etc) (of an industry heavyweight) to make a play in the market
代销 dài xiāo to sell as agent / to sell on commission (e.g. insurance policies) / proxy sale (of stocks)
枷锁 jiā suǒ stocks and chain / in fetters
jiā cangue (wooden collar like stocks used to restrain and punish criminals in China)
被套 bèi tào quilt cover / to have money stuck (in stocks, real estate etc)
háng cangue (stocks to punish criminals)
红筹股 hóng chóu red chip stocks (Chinese company stocks incorporated outside mainland China and listed in the Hong Kong stock exchange)
抄底 chāo (finance) to snap up undervalued stocks / bargain-hunting; bottom-fishing
仙股 xiān penny stocks
售完即止 shòu wán zhǐ while stocks last / subject to availability
桁杨 háng yáng lit. stocks and knives / fig. any punishment equipment / torture instrument
桁杨刀锯 háng yáng dāo lit. stocks and knives / fig. any punishment equipment / torture instrument
炒股票 chǎo piào to speculate in stocks
见光死 jiàn guāng (lit.) to wither in the light of day / (fig.) the bubble bursts as the reality becomes apparent (esp. of a much-anticipated first meeting with sb) / (of stocks) just as the favorable news is officially published, the stock price falls

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