English to Chinese Dictionary


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thigh / part of a whole; portion of a sum / (finance) stock; share / strand of a thread / low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科[ke1] / classifier for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc / classifier for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff / classifier for bands of people, gangs etc / classifier for sudden forceful actions
股票 piào share certificate / stock (finance)
上市 shàng shì to hit the market (of a new product) / to float (a company on the stock market)
跳水 tiào shuǐ to dive (into water) / (sports) diving / to commit suicide by jumping into water / (fig.) (of stock prices etc) to fall dramatically
股份 fèn a share (in a company) / stock
板块 bǎn kuài slab / (geology) tectonic plate / (fig.) sector (of the stock market or of industry) / (economic) bloc
股市 shì stock market
股民 mín stock investor / share trader
反弹 fǎn tán to bounce / to bounce back / to boomerang / to ricochet / rebound (of stock market etc) / bounce / backlash / negative repercussions
回升 huí shēng to rise again after a fall / to pick up / rally (stock market etc)
熔断 róng duàn (of fuse wire) to melt; to blow / (fig.) to halt stock trading / (fig.) to suspend an airline from operating flights on a given route (as a penalty, e.g. for bringing in more than a specified number of passengers who test positive for COVID)
上证 Shàng Zhèng Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), abbr. for 上海證券交易所|上海证券交易所[Shang4 hai3 Zheng4 quan4 Jiao1 yi4 suo3]
现货 xiàn huò merchandise or commodities available immediately after sale / merchandise in stock / available item / actuals (investment) / actual commodities
恒生 Héng shēng Hang Seng (the name of a bank in Hong Kong and of the stock market index the bank established)
股权 quán equity shares / stock right
开盘 kāi pán to commence trading (stock market)
主板 zhǔ bǎn (computing) motherboard / (stock market) main board
退市 tuì shì to be delisted (of a listed stock) / to exit the market
原生 yuán shēng original / primary / native / indigenous / proto- / stock (firmware)
库存 cún property or cash held in reserve / stock
进货 jìn huò to acquire stock / to replenish stock
排查 pái chá to inspect / to run through a checklist / to take stock / to audit
盘点 pán diǎn to make an inventory / to take stock
挂牌 guà pái lit. to hang up a plate / to open up for business / listed (on stock market)
涨停 zhǎng tíng (of a stock price) to rise to the daily upper limit (resulting in a temporary halt in trading of the stock)

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