English to Chinese Dictionary


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zhēn needle / pin / injection / stitch / CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1]
féng to sew / to stitch
zhì to stitch / to mend
to stitch finely
zhuì to sew / to stitch together / to combine / to link / to connect / to put words together / to compose / to embellish
十字绣 shí xiù cross-stitch
事半功倍 shì bàn gōng bèi half the work, twice the effect (idiom); the right approach saves effort and leads to better results / a stitch in time saves nine
一丝不挂 guà not wearing one thread (idiom); absolutely naked / without a stitch of clothing / in one's birthday suit
qiāo hem with invisible stitches
pàn button loop / sth similar to a button loop (shoe strap, basket handle etc) / to tie together; to stitch together
挑花 tiǎo huā cross-stitch (embroidery)
拆线 chāi xiàn to remove stitches (from a wound)
rèn to thread (a needle) / to sew; to stitch / (literary) very grateful
针法 zhēn stitch
上鞋 shàng xié to sole a shoe; to stitch the sole to the upper
chù crimson silk / deficiency / to stitch
弥缝 féng to cover up mistakes or crimes / to stitch up / to fix
rèn to weave / to lay warp for weaving / silk thread for weaving / variant of 紉|纫, to sew / to stitch / thread
缝针 féng zhēn a stitch / surgical stitches
线脚 xiàn jiǎo seam; stitching / decorative trim; molding (used to conceal joints in architecture or interior design)
缝絍 féng rèn to sew / to stitch
小洞不补大洞吃苦 xiǎo dòng dòng chī A small hole not plugged will make you suffer a big hole (idiom); a stitch in time saves nine
liáo to wind round / to sew with slanting stitches
缭边儿 liáo biānr to stitch a hem

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