English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: stand stunt stunts ?

不惜 not stint / not spare / not hesitate (to do sth) / not scruple (to do sth)
tòng classifier for an activity, taken in its entirety (tirade of abuse, stint of music playing, bout of drinking etc)
偷工减料 tōu gōng jiǎn liào to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom) / jerry-building / sloppy work
吝惜 lìn to stint; to be miserly
不吝 lìn not to stint; to be generous (with praise etc); to be prepared to (pay a fee, give of one's time etc)
小滨鹬 xiǎo bīn (bird species of China) little stint (Calidris minuta)
红颈滨鹬 hóng jǐng bīn (bird species of China) red-necked stint (Calidris ruficollis)
长趾滨鹬 cháng zhǐ bīn (bird species of China) long-toed stint (Calidris subminuta)
青脚滨鹬 qīng jiǎo bīn (bird species of China) Temminck's stint (Calidris temminckii)

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