English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sting stinky stinks stingy stains ?

难闻 nán wén unpleasant smell / stink
腋臭 chòu body odor / bromhidrosis / armpit odor / underarm stink / also called 狐臭[hu2 chou4]
恶臭 è chòu stink; stench / stinky; smelly / (fig.) disgusting; repugnant
甚嚣尘上 shèn xiāo chén shàng clamor raises the dust (idiom); a tremendous clamor / to raise a tremendous stink
如蚁附膻 shān like ants pursuing a stink (idiom); the mob chases the rich and powerful / the crowd runs after trash
如蝇逐臭 yíng zhú chòu like flies pursuing a stink (idiom); the mob chases the rich and powerful / the crowd runs after trash
臭不可闻 chòu wén to stink to high heaven / (fig.) disgraceful; disgusting
臊腥 sāo xīng stench; stink
浊臭熏天 zhuó chòu xūn tiān stinks to high heaven
臭气冲天 chòu chōng tiān (idiom) to stink to high heaven

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