English to Chinese Dictionary


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xián salted / salty / stingy / miserly
kōu to dig; to pick; to scratch (with a finger or sth pointed) / to carve; to cut / to study meticulously / stingy; miserly / to lift up (esp. the hem of a robe)
小气 xiǎo stingy / miserly / narrow-minded / petty
一毛不拔 máo stingy (idiom)
jìn martingale / stingy
吝啬 lìn stingy; mean; miserly
covetous; greedy; stingy
lìn (bound form) stingy
抠门 kōu mén (dialect) stingy
铁公鸡 tiě gōng cheapskate / stingy person
小儿科 xiǎo ér pediatrics / pediatric (department) / sth of little importance / trifle / a child's play / (slang) childish / petty / stingy
手紧 shǒu jǐn tightfisted / stingy / short of money / hard up
qiān stingy
小手小脚 xiǎo shǒu xiǎo jiǎo mean / stingy / to be lacking in boldness / timid
悭吝 qiān lìn (literary) miserly; stingy
贫气 pín mean / stingy / garrulous
一钱如命 qián mìng stingy; penny-pinching
抠脚 kōu jiǎo to scratch one's foot / (fig.) to be stingy / (slang) (of a celebrity) to twiddle one's thumbs (i.e. not release any new material etc)
鸡贼 zéi (dialect) stingy / miserly / crafty / cunning
贫相 pín xiàng mean / stingy
悭俭 qiān jiǎn miserly; stingy
小里小气 xiǎo li xiǎo stingy / petty
鄙吝 lìn vulgar / stingy; miserly; mean

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