English to Chinese Dictionary


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thorn / sting / thrust / to prick / to pierce / to stab / to assassinate / to murder
hot (spicy) / pungent / (of chili pepper, raw onions etc) to sting / to burn
dīng to sting or bite (of mosquito, bee etc) / to say repeatedly / to urge insistently / to ask repeatedly / to stick to a point / (onom.) tinkling or jingling sound
zhē to sting
叮咬 dīng yǎo sting / bite (of insect)
刺痛 tòng to tingle; to sting; to have a sudden sharp pain; (fig.) to hurt deeply / tingle; prick; sting; stab of pain
shì (literary) (of a bee or spider etc) to sting or bite
zhē (of a bee or spider etc) to sting or bite / (of an irritant) to make (one's eyes or skin) sting
to sting
刺儿话 cìr huà biting words / stinging words
螫中 zhē zhòng (of a bee, jellyfish etc) to sting (sb)
毒刺 venomous sting
蜂螫 fēng zhē bee sting

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