English to Chinese Dictionary


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nián sticky; glutinous / (Tw) to adhere; to stick on; to glue
置顶 zhì dǐng to sticky (an Internet forum thread etc)
nuò glutinous rice / sticky rice
sticky rice cake
元宵 yuán xiāo Lantern Festival / night of the 15th of the first lunar month / see also 元夜[yuan2 ye4] / sticky rice dumplings
黏性 nián xìng stickiness; gluing strength / viscosity
粘稠 nián chóu viscous; thick and sticky
糊糊 hu viscous / gooey / sticky / indistinct / thick congee / porridge
糍粑 sticky rice cake
黏糊 nián hu sticky / glutinous / slow-moving
胶黏 jiāo nián sticky; adhesive
滑溜 huá liū to sauté in sticky sauce
滑溜 huá liu smooth / slippery / sticky
泥淖 nào mud / muddy swamp / sump / fig. a sticky predicament
糯稻 nuò dào glutinous rice / sticky rice
sticky rice
油子 yóu zi dense and sticky substance / (dialect) wily old fox
黏米 nián glutinous rice; sticky rice / (dialect) broomcorn millet
黏腻 nián sticky / clammy / (fig.) clingy / emotionally dependent
圆子 yuán zi kind of dumpling / sticky rice ball
便利贴 biàn tiē sticky note
xíng maltose syrup / molasses / heavy (eyelids) / drowsy-eyed / listless / (of dough, candy etc) to soften / to become soft and sticky
糯米糍 nuò rice cake dumpling / sticky rice cake / mochi cake
麻糬 shǔ (transliteration of Japanese "mochi") sticky rice balls; mochi
碗粿 wǎn guǒ (Tw) wagui, a sticky rice pudding, usu. savory (from Taiwanese, Tai-lo pr. [uánn-kué])

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