English to Chinese Dictionary


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牛排 niú pái steak
鱼排 pái fish steak
半熟 bàn shú half-cooked; (of vegetables) parboiled; (of steak) medium; (of eggs) soft-boiled
三分熟 sān fēn shú medium rare (of steak)
五分熟 fēn shú medium (of steak)
一分熟 fēn shú rare (of steak)
丁骨牛排 dīng niú pái T-bone steak
七分熟 fēn shú medium well (of steak)
全熟 quán shú thoroughly cooked; (of steak) well done; (of eggs) hard-boiled
沙朗牛排 shā lǎng niú pái sirloin steak
煎牛扒 jiān niú beef steak
煎猪扒 jiān zhū pork steak
肋眼 lèi yǎn rib eye (steak) (loanword)
菲力牛排 fēi niú pái fillet steak

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